Vacation with baby in Mobile

Vacation with baby in Mobile

Vacation with baby in Mobile meant that we got to see Alabama. The movie ” Sweet home Alabama” was the main reason why we chose that route.

The drive from Tallahassee to Mobile was relatively smooth. With a baby in the car we had to make more stops. But F behaved well and the highway was most of the time almost empty. We looked for signs of differences between the states that’s why we chose to stop in very small towns. The towns did not appear to be very rich.

We continue our experiment in trying as many fast food chains as possible and we ate at Wendy’s. The custom of refilling your drink as much as you want is great. Is a standard in USA. Unfortunately still water was not an option.

Image from Daiphin street, Mobile, Alabama

Although it was February the weather was very pleasant. It felt like spring.

Vacation with baby in Mobile- accommodation

We already had a room booked in Wingate by Wyndham so we were not worried about a place to sleep. With a baby with us we preferred to be less adventurous. We opted for comfort.

I think I mentioned this before but reading the reviews of the hotels in USA was a novelty for me. There were hotels that got ratings from 1 to 10 by different reviewers. My strategy was if the overall rating was about 7 and the last ratings were fine I would consider it. We also wanted accommodation with free parking since it can be very expensive to pay separately. And if possible with breakfast but it was not a must.

Our hotel turned out to be quite O.K. and the parking was huge. It is a bit close to highway but you couldn’t tell from the room. In addition the breakfast buffet was very good. Overall we were happy with the accommodation.

Vacation with baby in Mobile-food

After we arrived and checked-in we decided to try some food. But since both my husband and I are big fans of seafood we wanted to try something local with that specification. And we found, mostly by chance, Love Seafood. And we absolutely LOVED the food. From the outside the place doesn’t say much. In the evening the area can be a bit off putting. But the food is great. And the prices are very budget friendly.

We noticed that many locals were ordering from the place.  And although they have place to eat there most of them ordered take away. We really felt like tourists/foreigners there. It was so obvious to everybody that we were not from there! We noticed some stares and probably many were wondering how we got there! Well the secret is browsing Internet!?And we are glad we did. I think the boiled shrimps that I had are some of the best shrimps I ever ate.

Vacation with baby in Mobile- USS Battleship Mobile

USS Batlleship Mobile, Alabama-Vacation with baby in Mobile

We knew before we arrived that we wanted to visit USS Battleship Mobile. And if you happen to be in Mobile you should dedicate some time for that.

I remember exact day when we went. That because it was Saint Valentine and we saw many couples there. ☺️ Personally I would not think of this place as a dating place. But gets point for originality! Plus on a second thought you have plenty to see. And it can help with conversation!?

USS Batlleship Mobile, Alabama

There were many families there too. Some with small kids too. A few had strollers with them. But on the ship they were not very practical. I saw parents leaving the strollers at the base of the ship. We had a baby carrier with us and we could move freely.

You can count on spending good hours in seeing the ship. From the deck to the engine room and

USS Batlleship Mobile, Alabama

from the sleeping quarters to doctor’s cabinet

USS Batlleship Mobile, Alabama

There are indicators everywhere so you can not get lost. Although as you get deeper into the heart of the ship you might get a bit claustrophobic.

You have no time to get bored as there is a lot to see. And when you are done with the ship you can check the collection of planes and also the submarine.

The chances are you will get hungry and for that you can check the food corner close by the ticket counter. When we went they did not offer a big variety but they had enough to keep away the hunger.

USS Batlleship Mobile, Alabama

And then you can continue your tour… as we did!

USS Batlleship Mobile, Alabama


Vacation with baby in Mobile-Dauphin Street

We did some research before booking the trip and many have recommended to see Dauphin Street. And we had to go and see for ourselves.

Image from Dauphin Steet, Mobile, Alabama-vacation with baby in Mobile

This time we could use the stroller although we also took the baby carrier with us. Just in case F was getting fussy.

The area is very pretty . Many old buildings, a small park. Where we could see squirrels running around.

Image from Dauphin Street, Mobile, Alabama

If you get tired of walking you can either take a sit on a bench or hit one of the caffe places or restaurants in the area.

People look like they are in no hurry to go anywhere. And that they take their time to enjoy life.

We planned to stay only two days in Mobile and we were ready to continue our trip to New Orleans. At breakfast we heard on TV that there was a tornado alert in the area. And that was our sign that we had to move! And fast!!!?

Out vacation to Mobile turned out very nice. And FK was especially happy with our visit to the Battleship .

Have a safe ride!


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