Trip abroad with infant

Trip abroad with infant: a long flight and a road trip

I am not a big fan of long travels with a baby but since we had F. I realized just how much resources – of which I was not aware – I could actually set in motion. I am not sure who was the first one to say “no guts no glory” but I am a strong believer of these words. When you add the word vacation, “trip abroad” has a different ring. 🙂

We had the opportunity to fly  to USA and we decided to add a road trip. We traveled a lot before but it was the first time when we took the plane for a transatlantic  trip with an infant (10 months). It goes without saying that I was quite worried about the whole deal.

trip abroad stop in Orlando

Preparation for our trip abroad

  • I start checking the internet on other moms’ experiences. Each kid is different but I wanted tips on how to deal with difficult situations. In addition I asked the help of my Facebook group of mom who was very helpful as always.
  • Then I broke down the trip in different points and dealt with each one separately.  Every time I tackled one I had the good feeling that I was moving forward.
  • There was also the financial part that we had to consider from renting a car, booking accommodation, insurance, cabs… whilst staying within our budget.
  • I checked also the points of interested along the way and made some notes of what might be good for all of us in this trip abroad.


The short version of the trip:

Bratislava- Vienna – Frankfurt – Orlando – Miami – Tampa – Tallahassee – Mobile – New Orleans-Houston-Frankfurt-Vienna-Bratislava

We made short stops in Georgia and Mississippi too. 🙂



Read more of our adventures in the following posts!

Packing for our trip in USA

Baby aboard, flight Vienna Frankfurt

Flying with baby Frankfurt Orlando

Jet lag and first stop in Orlando

Vacation with baby in Miami

Vacation with baby in Tampa

Vacation with baby in Tallahassee

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