Traditional Christmas dinner in Czech Republic

Traditional Christmas dinner

My first traditional Christmas dinner in Czechia happened a long time ago. Not that I am that old! ? But I was dating my husband at the time and  since I couldn’t go home for Christmas he invited me to have dinner with his family. When I look back I can see that it was a sign of commitment ! ?



Traditional Christmas dinner – on the Eve

The most important day of the Christmas as I perceived it is actually 24 December and not 25 like in Romania. For that reason 24 is always public holiday. It is advised to fast during the day. If you can manage not to eat at all even better. If you can not resist than some cookies can help you with the hunger. ? This was an explanation by my father in law so I can not guarantee the accuracy. ?

When the evening comes you can finally eat . Since it is winter the evening comes faster so technically you do not have to wait for the usual dinner hour. Plus the ones who fasted are probably starving.

Traditional Christmas dinner – supina

The key is to have all the meal already on the table or in the near vicinity in order to avoid standing up from the table. That applies to the entire meal! You leave the table only when you are done! Breaking this rule would mean that next Christmas you will not be at the table.

My favorite part in the dinner is the “šupina”. It is in fact a fish scale placed under one of the plates. Nobody should know where it is. That’s why the plates are moved around a few times just to ensure that nobody is cheating. After the food has been served and eaten everybody can check their respective plates for the scale. The lucky one will have money next year! Or so they say! ? This is a fierce battle of luck and one must be vigilant ! ?

I come from a country full of traditions and superstitions so I really enjoy this ritual. Although I am often told that Czech are not superstitious at all! ?

Traditional Christmas dinner- carp soup

Because it is not actually Christmas and meat is not appropriate, the main ingredient of the dinner is fish. And the traditional fish is a carp. In the days before Christmas you can find the whole fish for sale in supermarkets or in certain areas where small producers sell them.

So the first course traditionally is the carp soup. Which in my fair opinion  is delicious ! ?

Traditional Christmas dinner- fish and potato salad

The main dish is of course a fish. This time fried, breaded carp fillets with potato salad. The potato salad is made in huge quantities. Aside from potatoes it includes onion, eggs, pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise .

When eating the salad you should not count the calories ! On this day nobody should! ?

Traditional Christmas dinner -cookies

Christmas cookies are a serious business in the Czech Republic . Most start baking them weeks in advance. And they bake different kinds! With cream and without, different shape, dough and different decorations! The cookies can not miss from the Christmas dinner.

Traditional Christmas dinner – drinks

Everybody knows that Czechs love beer. But with respect to this dinner there is no rule as what you should drink. Although many will have beer on the table a small shot of slivovice can set up everybody in the right mood. ?

Traditional Christmas dinner- presents

After the dinner and while kids are busy playing a bell will ring and that will be a sign that Ježíšek had come. If you were good he might have a present for you! In other cultures Santa Claus brings the presents during the night. But in Czechia baby Jesus brings them. And you do not have to wait for the whole night to see if he got your letter! ?

I hope got your present and you enjoy it!

Merry Christmas!

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