Vacation with baby in New Orleans-visit if you can

Vacation with baby in New Orleans

Our vacation with baby in USA lasted for almost three weeks. We begun with Orlando and continued with Miami, Tampa, Tallahassee, Mobile. The next place on the list was New Orleans.

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Road trip with baby, stop in Biloxi

Road trip with baby

After Mobile we planned to continue our road trip with baby in New Orleans. Before we got there we were being chases by a tornado. In Europe we don’t have anything similar to that, maybe just strong storms.

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Vacation with baby in Mobile

Vacation with baby in Mobile

Vacation with baby in Mobile meant that we got to see Alabama. The movie ” Sweet home Alabama” was the main reason why we chose that route.

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Exploring Brno or another weekend break

Exploring Brno

Consider exploring Brno. Is only one hour and a half drive from Bratislava and two hours drive from Prague.

I am not entirely objective. I have fond memories of Brno and I always returned with pleasure there . Is due to the fact that this city has been good to me and I met there a lot of very nice people . With some I am in touch even today.

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Vacation with baby in Croatia

Vacation with baby in Croatia

Our first long vacation with baby in Croatia was a success.

Croatia is among the first options for vacation in the region. I have the impression that everybody has been there at least once. 🙂 But it is just me.

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Vacation with baby in Tallahassee

Vacation with baby in Tallahassee- last stop in Florida

Vacation with baby in Tallahassee meant a two days stop. Florida was the state where we spent most of time and we were making the final stop in Tallahassee. The distance between Tampa and Tallahassee was shorter than our previous rides and we arrived in Tallahassee in the afternoon.

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Vacation with baby in Tampa

Vacation with baby in Tampa: On the road again

Vacation with baby in Tampa meant that we had to say good bye to Miami and to the lovely time that we had there. When we planned the trip for the first time Tampa was not in it.

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Vacation with baby in Miami

Beginning of our road trip

Our vacation with baby in Miami was about to begin!  We were ready to enjoy ourselves big time! 🙂 FK was pleased with the car and he started to appreciate an automatic transmission.

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Jet lag and first stop in Orlando

Jet lag in Orlando

We were suffering from jet lag upon landing in Orlando. After our long trip starting in Bratislava and ending in Orlando we were quite exhausted but also happy. You could feel around that the people were excited!

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