Dream vacation in Mozambique

The adventure continue

In a previous post I wrote my first impression on the Nampula airport, Mozambique. From the airport we traveled around 3 hours to our destination: Coral Lodge  The road till there is not very good and that is being kind.  In fact by the time we arrived to our destination I was not sure what we will find.

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Nampula, traveling to Mozambique

Flying to Nampula

Our agent recommended us Mozambique for the great beaches. In April, it is still very cold in Europe and after a long winter you just dream of the sun. Since we had the opportunity of a lifetime to travel to Africa, we decided that after safari in South Africa we should just lay on the beach in Mozambique.

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Lodz day trip, part of our road trip

Road trip and the beginning of a new adventure

Lodz day trip is part of a greater plan of visiting Poland and Lithuania. When everybody headed  towards all inclusive packages for the summer we decided to do it differently. 🙂

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Hiking in Piatra Craiului, enjoying the nature

Why hiking in Piatra Craiului?

Last time I went to see my parents we also did some hiking in Piatra Craiului. Usually I try to combine seeing my family with some vacation. And since the summer tends to be really hot we thought that heading for the mountains made sense!

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Flying with toddler on TAP airlines to Lisbon

One year later

Flying with toddler on TAP airlines was exactly one year later from our first flight with F. This time there are two major changes:

  1. He can walk
  2. The flight is shorter, just 3.5 hours.

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Road trip with baby, stop in Biloxi

Road trip with baby

After Mobile we planned to continue our road trip with baby in New Orleans. Before we got there we were being chases by a tornado. In Europe we don’t have anything similar to that, maybe just strong storms.

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Unexplored place-Danube Delta

Danube Delta thoughts of vacation

We choose to see the places that are further away from home. We pick exotic countries to spend our vacations. Sometimes what we need and want is not that far away.

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Exploring Brno or another weekend break

Exploring Brno

Consider exploring Brno. Is only one hour and a half drive from Bratislava and two hours drive from Prague.

I am not entirely objective. I have fond memories of Brno and I always returned with pleasure there . Is due to the fact that this city has been good to me and I met there a lot of very nice people . With some I am in touch even today.

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Vacation with baby in Croatia

Vacation with baby in Croatia

Our first long vacation with baby in Croatia was a success.

Croatia is among the first options for vacation in the region. I have the impression that everybody has been there at least once. 🙂 But it is just me.

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