Road trip with baby, stop in Biloxi

Road trip with baby

After Mobile we planned to continue our road trip with baby in New Orleans. Before we got there we were being chases by a tornado. In Europe we don’t have anything similar to that, maybe just strong storms.

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Vacation with baby in Tampa

Vacation with baby in Tampa: On the road again

Vacation with baby in Tampa meant that we had to say good bye to Miami and to the lovely time that we had there. When we planned the trip for the first time Tampa was not in it.

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Trip abroad with infant

Trip abroad with infant: a long flight and a road trip

I am not a big fan of long travels with a baby but since we had F. I realized just how much resources – of which I was not aware – I could actually set in motion. I am not sure who was the first one to say “no guts no glory” but I am a strong believer of these words. When you add the word vacation, “trip abroad” has a different ring. 🙂

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