House rental contract in Slovakia and Czechia

Relocating and the need of a place to stay

In the last few years I’ve relocated quite a bit and I had a few experiences with respect to the house rental contract. There are many similarities between the Slovak rental contract and the Czech one.

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Baby friendly places in Bratislava

Baby friendly places in Bratislava

When you became a parent “baby friendly places” becomes very important. You are always looking for spots where the whole family is happy.

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Bratislava take away or when in no mood to cook

Bratislava take away

Bratislava take away option has increased significantly in the last years. You have a variety of gastronomic choices. It depends also on where you are located.

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I start working in Bratislava

I start working in Bratislava- Looking for a flat

Working in Bratislava most probably means that you need a place to sleep. The post Looking for accommodation in Bratislava was already touching the subject but I realized that not everybody has a partner who speaks the language like I did. It might help to start differently.

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Night transport in Bratislava

Night transport: Public

Night and no tram ?  As I mentioned in a previous post Bratislava has a cheap public transport and recently updated with new vehicles. That is very nice but if you happen to go out in the evening you might have difficulties in getting back using the tram/bus.

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Jet lag and first stop in Orlando

Jet lag in Orlando

We were suffering from jet lag upon landing in Orlando. After our long trip starting in Bratislava and ending in Orlando we were quite exhausted but also happy. You could feel around that the people were excited!

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Medical insurance in Slovakia

Medical insurance in Slovakia

One of the first things that we did after we moved to Slovakia was to apply for a medical insurance. If you are employed the employer will ask you anyway for the medical insurance card in order to pay the contribution.

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Marrying a foreigner in Slovakia

Marrying abroad

If somebody told me back, when I was in communistic Romania and even later when I was watching Arabella, that one day I will end up marrying somebody from Rumburak‘s country I would have said that they were  crazy.

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Do you speak Slovak?

Learning Slovak?

I didn’t speak Slovak and to be honest my skills are still rudimentary. The advantage that I had was that I was speaking some Czech. They are not the same language although they have many words in common. Czech Republic and Slovakia use to be one country and they have many similarities but each has their own identity.                  Continue reading “Do you speak Slovak?”

Public transport in Bratislava

Using public transport?

We got the jobs and we got the flat. The next step was figuring out how to get from one to the other on a daily basis. We had a car but we couldn’t count on both of us using it. I always preferred the public transport because I am not an experienced driver. Fortunately Bratislava has a good system of public transportation and it is fairly cheap.

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