Once in a lifetime experience
If asked where I want to spend my vacation I would never say :safari in South Africa. I considered Africa quite fascinating but for a girl coming from a small town in Eastern Europe that was just a bit too exotic. However when the opportunity presented without requiring from me much effort I of course couldn’t say no.
The flight from from Prague to South Africa was a long haul flight but the tiring part was to get out of the airport, hop into a car and drive for a few extra hours to get to the lodge. It was a chance to see more of the country and indeed there was a lot to see. I realized how big and rich South Africa is. And that they do everything at a bigger scale than I was use to. I learned that the banana plantations goes on forever, the coal excavations created a new kind of towns. That water is not always easy to find and that is better to be safe than sorry.
Bongani Mountain Lodge
Safari in South Africa, at Bongani Mountain Lodge was a great experience! I was not very sure what to expect with all the information that is available these days. A private reserve, very close to Kruger National Park that employs the people from the area.
The lodge is right in the middle of nature. The animals mingle freely outside and inside the lodge area. In fact you shouldn’t be surprised if a monkey stills your food or if a bushbuck or impala walks near by.
And one interesting fact is that around 9 p.m all the lodge activity kind of stops. By that time is preferably to be on the way to your cottage accompanied by the security guard. You are on the wild after all!
Safari in South Africa
Our package included everything: accommodation, food and safari. Each private cottage was very beautiful and included everything that one might need. And when you have in mind the location, the conditions that the people from near village live you realize that this is quite amazing. The food served was very tasty but what we came to see was a different kind of nature that we used to and to see the animals.
And the animals in general are quite used to the sound of the car so as long you listen to your guide, stay put and you are lucky you might see a few of them.
First time I got in the car I was a bit apprehensive to say the least. I have a healthy respect for the wild and I was not entirely sure about the safety. But as I was explained, in general, the animals are a bit shy and if you don’t step out the car without the guide approval you are safe.
Things I learned during our safari in South Africa
- animals are not attacking without reason and in general they are shy ( is more likely that you will spend a good amount of time in the car before you see something)
- the hours are bit different in safari (or at least they where when we were there) At 6 a.m. you should be in the car and by 9:30 p.m you are back at your cottage
- drinking water is highly valued, the same goes for a full bath
- walking around by yourself during the evening is dangerous
- the experience is amazing
So if at the beginning of our adventure I was not sure how to feel at the end of it I felt like another door opened to me. To understand and to appreciate better the world we are living into and to value the things that we do have.
What was your last adventure? Write me.
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