“Food of Love” from the series “Eating in Prague”

Food of Love In Prague

Eating in Prague

Since we relocated to Prague I tried to adjust to the new life as best as I could. That includes starting a social life. And if before F we were more flexible with the places we chose to go now we are trying to find kids friendly places.

Because we like to eat out once in a while at the top of the list there are restaurants that are kids friendly. The term is a bit broad and I suppose there are different understandings of the term. In my mind it should include some kids corner. It doesn’t have to be something big or with a lot of toys but at least some small area where kids can play. It can be just a small table with some paper and crayons. 🙂

Food of Love restaurant -Eating In Prague

Prague City Center

I do not know about other families but we usually go in the center once in a blue moon. And when we have friends coming over. They want to see Prague and of course that includes the center. Then we start to ask friends and read on the internet where to go to eat. 😀 After they banned the smoking in the restaurants I think eating in Prague is fairly easy for all the budgets. Unless you have very specific tastes and standards. 🙂 Some will say that the kids friendly restaurants fall in the same category. 😉

Eating in Prague Food of Love Restaurant

Since I do not spend a lot of time in the center I am not aware of many such places but last week I stumbled on one. I was looking for a coffee in Mala Strana but a place not fully packed with tourists.  And for once little F was not with me so I was quite free in movements. I suggested to keep on walking on Nerudova and to turn left or right once in a while. I noticed some time back that in the center you can find good places if you explore a bit. The secret is in courtyards. At number 32 passing an art shop at the front we found a treasure :).

Food of Love, Restaurant

Eating in Prague: Food of Love

Food of Love is a restaurant that makes a great first impression. The decor is very nice outside and inside. Since it was warm we really appreciated being outside and enjoying the weather. And my mother eye noticed immediately the kids house and the toys. 🙂

Eating in Prague : Food of Love

The service was one of the best I had in Prague. The staff was very helpful and … emphatic. Hard to believe that I am using this word but it is accurate. I was quite impressed because they adjusted the umbrellas and when it started to rain they helped us move inside when we wanted to. For me that was an excuse to see the interior too. 🙂 And I could spy another room that had some toys on the floor.

Food of Love, Restaurant in Prague

This restaurant  offers raw and vegan dishes. I am flexible with food as long as it tastes good. I do have have some limits but that’s for another time. However at this place the food is healthy and smells and looks very nice. We settled for drinks because it was too early to eat but from what I saw  I would definitely returned when I end up in the center. Or when we need to take out the next friend visiting Prague.

Enjoy your drink and food!


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