Marrying a foreigner in Slovakia

Marrying abroad

If somebody told me back, when I was in communistic Romania and even later when I was watching Arabella, that one day I will end up marrying somebody from Rumburak‘s country I would have said that they wereΒ  crazy.

But life is crazy and I did marry a Czech guy, maybe because I liked to watch Arabella. πŸ™‚ The series takes place in both a fantastic and a real world and sometimes I feel like my life is the same. So many amazing, awesome things happened in the last years! Complicated too but there lies the beauty! Like having the civil wedding in Bratislava because the process was faster and smoother.

I always wondered why some couples had decided to marry in another country whilst making it seem so effortless and easy to plan. Our wedding prep wasn’t easy because of the paperwork involved. πŸ™‚

From the top of my head I can say that for our civil wedding we needed:

  1. Copies of passport
  2. Translated copies of birth certificates, notarized.
  3. Fee (if my memory serves me right we paid around 400 euro in total)
  4. Evidence that we were not married in another country (that was a tricky one), again translated and notarized. It included a declaration that you are not married and some certificate from your embassy/other authority stating that you are not married based on their records. If you apply to get married in the city center most likely the staff will be familiar with the required documents. But if you apply in some other neighborhoods you might face some headaches. Especially if they never married those particular kinds of nationalities.
  5. A translator
  6. Picking the day (My husband will laugh now but I absolutely refused to marry in May)
  7. Picking the place
The things might have changed since we married and getting married is faster but I have a good story to say! And three marriage certificates to prove that I’m married. πŸ™‚ Without counting the church wedding, but that is another story!


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