Good deals online in Slovakia

Good deals online

Everybody is looking for good deals but many of us do not want to spend a lot of time going from shop to shop looking for the perfect thing. Or waiting for the opening hours in order to buy the best present.

Although many swear that it is very therapeutic to browse the shops. ? I did not reach that level but I admit it has some merits! ?

However some items areĀ better bought online. And in Slovakia there are a few websites that are worth saving to favorites.

Good deals – is very useful when buying electronics and software/hardware. Lately they expanded their offer and now you can find also toys, cosmetics, sport items etc. The core of the business remained the electronics.

You can create an account ( and it is fairly easy to do that) but it is not a must. You can just use your email address to place an order. And you can either choose to pick it up or have it delivered. The nice fact about this eshop is that they have an English version of the website!!! It pays off to check if they have the product already in the warehouse or not. That will influence the delivery time. But based on my experience they are very fast.

Good deals –

Another website that I found very useful is They have a few categories like traveling, food, health…

You can find very good deals for short term vacation in Slovakia. There are a few abroad as well but mostly in Hungary and Czech Republic. You need to arrange for your own transport in most of the cases but the packages are very nice. You can have breakfast included, half board or full board. Some discounts for massages or wellness . It is better if you check the review of the place in advance too.

Another thing that is worth mentioning is that if you buy the package you need to call to agree on the exact dates. Or if you want to make sure that they are free in a certain period it is better if you call in advance. If your Slovak is not very good ask a friend to call. The money saved is worth the trouble!

Good deals you can find on this site with respect to restaurants, pubs and cafe places. You buy a certain menu.

The site has many offers but one of my favorites are the offers for massages. They usually have great deals for all kind of massages and the prices are very affordable .

Good deals –

This website is similar to and they have more or less the same categories . As with the previous site you can always see how long the offer is available and how many packages have been bought.

If you haven’t decided what you will do for New Years’Eve you may find something of interest here.

We bought once a balloon trip using this site at a very good price.

Good deals-

Thinking of vacation? Counting on a certain budget? Then have a look at They have lots and lots of vacation packages! Although “last minute” deals are the best in terms of price they have another option and that is “first minute”. You will still get a discount although not as high. But if you are a planner than this option might be the best for you.

Good deals –

One site that is focuses only on trips and vacation packages in Slovakia is

That is why their site is split in the type of trips/vacation that they can offer. For example: romantic, for seniors, for families, for Christmas…

Vacation deals

Again if you haven’t planned anything for the winter vacation chances are that you will find something.

Good deals

Another site that we found by chance and that has good reviews isĀ . Is a combination between and Not many foreigners know about it but I think it is worth a “browse”. ?


While in Slovakia you should check these sites if only to save a few bucks! Or more! ?

Enjoy shopping!

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