Flying with toddler on TAP airlines to Lisbon

One year later

Flying with toddler on TAP airlines was exactly one year later from our first flight with F. This time there are two major changes:

  1. He can walk
  2. The flight is shorter, just 3.5 hours.

We didn’t plan to have the vacation in the same period as the one in USA. It was a pure coincidence. Or maybe around the same time we feel the need for a bit of sun. And a change of scenery. 😉

Deciding where to go

As mentioned previously we wanted something more sunny. The long flight was not very tempting without mentioning that for that we needed a longer vacation. And of course more money.


So we ended up narrowing down to South of Europe. Then we took in consideration the places where we have already been. However one of the top decision making was the cost of the flight.

We played with more ideas regarding where to start the vacation. But we decided in the end to look for flights from Prague.

Firstly we took looked at some search engines that are focused more on low costs tickets like : ; ; ; ; ;;

Secondly we had a look at the low costs airlines that fly from Prague. I am not sure how many there are but  I found this list and I think is worth saving it

And the destination is: Lisbon

We ended up buying using with the destination Lisbon, Portugal. The airline that had this promotion was TAP.

As said before flying with toddler was different than flying with a baby. The walking makes all the difference! That’s why we were happy that it was not a very long flight. Also the packing for a week is vastly different than one for three weeks. However I ensured that the hand luggage had all the items to hold us for a two days. That in case something happens with our big luggage. And we took with us the city stroller too.


We never flew previously with TAP so we were not sure what to expect. Flying with a toddler that is under two means that you do not pay for his ticket. He doesn’t have his own seat. That’s why when we did the check in we booked one seat at the window and one at the aisle . And in the back of the airplane. If the flight is not full, changes are the middle one will remain free.

TAP airlines- flying with toddler

Fortunatelly for us this happened on our way there. And because it was an evening flight F was a bit tired and not in the best of moods. The fact that we had a seat free was very helpful .

On TAP airlines we understood that the front seats are adjustable but the ones in the back not. Just the fact that we had extra room was more than enough for us.


They provide a snack on TAP airlines. Is some kind of sandwich probably a Portuguese supplier. The filling is very thin but the bread bun was fresh. We liked the small juice bottle which tasted very good. Also provided by a Portuguese supplier. During the flight immediately after the food they serve a drink too.


The plane was clean and stewards were polite and nice. For a short flight we were fine. For a while F was content with seating and observing. After he had a lot of walks in the plane. He was very excited. He even interacted with a little girl who was promenading too 🙂 . We also give him some snacks. And for a little while we read from the the books we brought with us.

Flying with toddler-arriving in Lisbon

But at the end of the flight we were quite tired and ready to check into our hotel. The airport has a very good location. So technically you can take the metro and go all the way to the center. However traveling with a baby combined with amount of luggage  made us take a taxi. We booked it in advance in order to avoid any issues. And we read that in the taxis you do no need a child seat. But if you order a taxi you can make sure that there is a car seat.

In the case you opt to just grab a taxi is better to take one from the departure. This might influence the price of the ride.

So after a relatively short drive we checked in the hotel. Ready to enjoy the trip!


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