Learning Slovak?
I didn’t speak Slovak and to be honest my skills are still rudimentary. The advantage that I had was that I was speaking some Czech. They are not the same language although they have many words in common. Czech Republic and Slovakia use to be one country and they have many similarities but each has their own identity.
My knowledge of the Czech language came in handy when ordering lunch menu or having a basic understanding of what was happening around me. Many young people speak English or German here but there are many places where you feel lost if you do not speak the local language at all.
Slovak is a Slavic language, so for people who come from countries with the same roots it is easier to learn the language. I know many Polish, Russians, Slovenians who have a very good level of Slovak. I think it is a bit harder for the ones with Romance language background like Romanian for example, because the grammar and the pronunciation are so different. This doesn’t mean that with a bit of effort it can’t be achieved.
Learning the language is not “a must” but could become significantly easier if you know something.
In order to learn the language there are a few options:
- Language schools and there are quite a few. You can opt for joining small groups or big groups.
- You can also check the availability of professors who provide private lessons. The location and timing can be arranged as well when having individual classes. I opted for having classes before office hours, so early in the morning, and I paid around 25 euro/h but you can definitely find better prices.
- Students offer language lessons sometimes. They are much cheaper.
- Share the flat with a Slovak Spending time with somebody who doesn’t speak English will force you to practice and learn faster. I spent a few weeks with my mother in law who doesn’t speak English and I made a fast progress, of course I also start appreciating “google translate” much more
- Practice at work/school I was shy to use my skills because I knew that I did not speak correctly but you will soon realize that your efforts are very much appreciated and hey nobody is perfect anyway!.
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