Baby aboard, flight Vienna Frankfurt

Baby aboard for the first time

Have you ever traveled with a baby aboard? We started our adventure with a long flight: Vienna-Frankfurt-Orlando. The first segment Vienna-Frankfurt is very short. And we considered it a test.

Check-in and luggage

The Lufthansa check-in desk was very nice and helpful. And they confirmed our seats.  You can do the check-in online. But you have to drop the luggage at the airport. The customs went smooth as well. As smooth as possible given there was a baby, stroller, luggage and all. 🙂 You can take the stroller down to the aircraft’s entrance.

aircaft USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park

Car seat in the plane

Although recommended by some, we decided not to take a car seat to the plane. Because F doesn’t like to sit by himself for long periods of times. You can check in the car seat as a hand luggage if you want. Babies up to 2 years of age are not required to have their own aircraft seat. Although you still need to pay a small fee for them. It is not as much as for an older kid. We ordered a bassinet for the second part of the flight.


Families in the plane

The families have priority in boarding the plane with this airline. You have time to arrange your luggage and settle in.

The space was a bit cramped but F was very interested in everything that was going on around us. He actually didn’t mind the seat belt. And he didn’t cry during the take-off or landing.

Fortunately, a friendly gentleman was sat next to us. He seemed fine with having a baby next to him.

aircaft USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park

What I learned from the first flight?
  • It is worth a try to book the window seat and the aisle seat and leave the middle one free for booking. Only if the plane is full somebody would choose the middle seat. Let’s say it’s less likely someone will take it.
  • Vienna-Frankfurt is a frequent route so most likely not all the seats will be booked
  • Have a bottle for the baby for the take off/ landing. In our case he was too focused on the surroundings. Because of that he didn’t want to be  breastfeed.
  • If you are lucky “baby aboard” is not that terrible 🙂
  • And how important is to have a baby carrier/a sling ring with you while you wait for the flight.


We consider our first flight with the baby a success! Firstly because we know that it can be worse. Based on other parents stories. But also because as parents we know our baby and we can compare with other situations. And of course we can say that in the light of our following flight Frankfurt-Orlando! 🙂 You can read about it in the post  Flying with baby Frankfurt Orlando


Have an easy flight with your little ones!

Photos were taken at USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park


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